Monday, December 19, 2011
The Death of Kim Jong Il
North Korea is a country shrouded in much mystery, and its leader much the same.
Kim Jong Il was 69 when he died and reportedly passed away from a heart attack on a train in Pyongyang.
He was often referred to as 'Dear Leader' and controlled his country for 19 years.
It is said that his son, Kim Jong Un, will succeed him and become the next dictator of North Korea.
Not much is known about his son, but many say that he is approximately 28 years old.
Does the Government have the right?
This makes me question their judgement. Did they ever think that the boy was happy with his weight? Was it right from them to take him away from his only family?
According to the article, the boy ate when he got home from school when his mother was away at work. She didn't allow him to eat certain things so he waited until she wasn't home. Yet, the government accused her of abusing her child with food.
Honestly, they can't blame her for his own decisions. I can understand suggesting that he goes on a drastic diet but to bring him to another family was taken overboard!
The government is starting to get involved in everything going on that doesn't necessarily need their help... What else will the government do??
Monday, December 12, 2011
Why's this Happening?

But for some reason, that barely happens.
I like to think that it happens because I'm a teenager who gets distracted easily, or maybe because even though I have a passion for all things, I don't really have a good workflow set up when things get serious ... but I feel that all these excuses are scapegoats at best. They don't satisfy the guilty conscience that rears its ugly head when it's time to turn in a video to a friend or for a school function and I've barely laid down the timeline.
For one thing, it's frustrating because I know I love this stuff. But moreover, it's perplexing why it always ends up happening like that. I genuinely fail to see the reason why the same chain of events always repeats itself, and to be honest, if I can summarize it, years from now, as just one of the many hardships I had to overcome in the path to becoming a professional video producer, then by George, let it be that!
At least I'll have a reliable perspective on it.
Hannukah on Winter Break? If only that was more than a coincidence.
Winter Break in AZ!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
C.R. Sparkles

Monday, December 5, 2011
Monday, Go Away!
It's NOT the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
A little APES-inspired poem
First, there was nothing
And then there was life
Life in her seas, the land and air
Breathing, changing, singing,
Then came He who Spoke
With flames in His hands and purpose in His eyes
His steps were heavy and the earth trembled
As it met its Master
Now He cannot hear her speak
His head is full of air
And his eyes clouded with the dust
Of trees forgotten
Her hands tied with cords
Artificial lights rival her stars
Weaving a gray canvas,
The dark milieu of His half life
Fades to black
Now He is need of help
He has lost sight of His purpose
To live as the grass that never forgets to grow
Let your inner spirit nurture Him
Keep your mind as open as the sky
Step even, step light
Help Him wake up inside
From His half life
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
LIGHTS: Siberia
Her newest sounds are simply a hybrid. LIGHTS meets Icelandic warbler Bjork meets British singer/pianist Imogen Heap meets rap. It's a far cry from her original sounds, which were humble, unique and all very similar. Her style remains completely her own; there's still no artist quite like her anywhere. But as Picasso said, "Good artists borrow. Great artists steal." LIGHTS has borrowed the sounds of so many other genres and artists, but has meshed them in a completely new way, adding her own inter-galactic, comic book nerd touch. Her original lyrics are, as always, simple, refreshing but underlain by dark whispers.
"I would sail across the east sea, just to see you on the far side.
Where the wind is cold and angry, there you'll be to take me inside.
We'll find ways to fill the empty, far from all the hysteria.
I don't care if we suddenly find ourselves in Siberia."
Noticeably grittier than anything she's every done, Siberia kicks off with the title track, where a distorted bass groove drives the tune straight into her flirty voice. The pop sophisticate’s alluring inflections balance soul with restraint on the next track, “Where the Fence Is Low”. Blown-out rhythms pulse against her demure coos, sounding slightly like a Daft Punk production. "Toes" is by far my favorite track; she braids dubstep with electronica and good old-fashioned radio pop.
"Oh, you capture my attention.
Carefully listening, don't wanna miss a thing, keeping my eyes on you.
Got me on my toes."