Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Dual Enrollment
Also, Broward College offers a class for students who plan to major in Pre-Med. Which ever school you attend, will pay for the classes you take so you get your education for free! This is a good way to stay in high school and enjoy all the privileges of grad bash, prom, and all the other activities for seniors while taking a college course for free instead of the regular college fees. This program is not only for seniors, but also offered to juniors and any other underclassmen that qualify. Why wouldn't you want to take this opportunity?
Monday, August 29, 2011
The end is near indeed for the class of 2012
Back to Football
Senior Year
Flashcards for iPhone Users

I know reviewing important vocab is hard to do, especially since most of us are always on the go. And now that I take both Latin II and Italian I, I need to take the extra time to make sure I don't confuse the two languages.
Grandma's House!
Milk's Favorite Cupcake

What's better than milk and cookies? Oreo Cupcakes!
Buy white cake batter and follow the directions in the back of the box.
To bake…
- Put 14 Oreos in a plastic bag and crush into crumbs(or if you have grinder, grind the cookies).
- Pour crumbs into batter and fold in with a whisk.
- Pour the batter into the paper cups 1/3 full.
- Add a Mini Oreo in the center of the batter and put more batter on top.
- Now bake the cupcakes in 350 degrees for 16-21 minutes.
- For every 2 dollops of whipped vanilla frosting add 1 dollop of marshmallow fluff.
- Put the mixture into a pastry bag or plastic bag.
- Swirl frosting on top of the cooled cupcakes.
- Crumble more oreos and sprinkle over frosting.
- Finally add a Mini Oreo on top.
Survival Guide to Studying

Happy Studying:))
Surviving Freshman Year: The First Week
Sunday, August 28, 2011

I'm a big snacker. I love my snacks, especially when I study. For me, there's nothing better then a big bag of doritos to go along with the five chapters of APUSH I have to read.
2 Packets - Truvia (or the sugar substitute of your choosing)
1/2 Teaspoon - Cinnamon
1/2 Teaspoon - Nutmeg
1/2 Teaspoon - Sea Salt
Olive Oil Spray
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Un Techo Para Mi Pais (A Roof For My Country)

One word to describe my past summer experience...UNFORGETTABLE. This recent summer was truly remarkable, not so much as life changing but more eye opening and mind boggling. I volunteered over the summer in Peru in an organization called 'Un Techo Para Mi Pais' (A Roof for my County). In a setting which was quite disturbing but nevertheless beautiful filled with amicable people.

Thursday, August 25, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Summer's Over, School's in Session

Scream It Like You Mean It tour 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Fall Concert Preview: Langerado Music Festival

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Beachin' It
I had a wonder family day at Miami Beach with the whole family. From 12 to 6 we relaxed at the beach and laid in the beautiful sun. The water was absolutely perfect with minimal waves and refreshing water. We each brought sweet fruits, mini sandwiches, and snacks that could last for days! The day couldn’t have been any better. It was a great way to end the week with family.
The Woes of College Applications
Authentic yoga, anyone?
In all the downtime students had over the summer, we all indulged in some new habits and practices that will most likely dwindle during the school year. Like exercise. Like yoga.
So yoga is the new, hip thing EVERYONE is doing. Myself, included.
The ancient Hindu art of yoga. The union of the mind, body and soul. An arrangement of physical movements, asanas, and mental concentration and relaxation.
Yeah, most people probably don't get any of that from their Saturday morning yoga sesh.
It is an intrinsic part of the Hindu way of life, a daily reverence to the Divine within. Yoga is not a practice done once a week, or just whenever you're in a 'hippie-mood'.
The asana, those freaky pretzel-like poses, is merely a single limb of the eight associated with yoga. These limbs encompass all of the physical and mental attributes of the practice, and severing one from the rest leaves the yogi disabled. Every movement of every asana must be synchronized with the breath and the mind, enveloping the body and mind in a complete, spiritual experience.
Much of the Western world is focused on this single limb, thus depriving the largest portion of the world’s yoga practitioners of the full benefits. Undoubtedly, there are benefits to be reaped from yoga that are purely physical, but the practice is diminished when the asanas are taken out of context. It's pointless to stretch and pose and breathe when your mind is a million miles away, thinking about an upcoming movie, an embarrassing memory, an overdue term paper, whatever. Focus is key!
Does anyone even know where yoga came from?
Yoga has earned immense popularity in lands far from its hearth. The recent movement demanding the return of yoga to its creator centers on the Hindu reclaiming of the art. Although the Western world acknowledges yoga’s ancient Hindu roots, it has also been accepted by leaders in the yoga 'industry' that associating the word Hindu with yoga gives the practice too much unwelcome baggage. And this is easy to understand. The depiction of Hinduism in the minds of Westerners is uncharacteristically colorful, near-savage and eccentric. Yoga has a completely divergent portrayal. It is viewed as a peaceful act, associated with the vibrations of "Om" and the gentle sound of the ocean. But in reality, Hinduism is identified with more than savage gods and cows. Our traditions may be colorful, but they are painted with peaceful mantras and the belief that God is the Supreme, manifested across the Universe in infinite ways.
Yoga is a means of spiritual attainment for all who seek it; those who are aware of the underlying purpose of the practice can achieve the same as the saffron-clothed sages residing in the Himalayas. It's a deep practice that relieves stress, creates harmony, purges the mind of all negativity and revitalizes the body.
So if you're going to yoga, go all the way. Because you're cheating yourself! And because one day, when you mention in conversation that you 'do' yoga, just to give yourself a cool persona, you might be talking to someone who actually knows a thing or two about the art. And then you're caught.