People always talk about people doing bad things, people being annoying, people being mean; sometimes, though, they talk about people doing nice things, people being nice, people being friendly, people doing other people favors. Well, whatever your particular opinion is, imagine what your daily life or world would be without people.
My goodness! Wouldn't it be so much less exciting? In fact, I'm a big proponent of the idea that at least half the reason why we wake up in the morning is to witness the fascinating antics of others as they play out during the day.

But such circumstances aren't the norm, at least on a daily basis. Thus, the only other possible explanation is that there's something genuinely compelling or otherwise attractive about people that draws us to them and leads us to minimize the priority of our responsibilities, such as going to class and getting there on time. So, in the end, our opinions about people - however derogatory or negative - are in fact the greatest tributes to them that we could possibly carry out.
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