Monday, December 12, 2011

Hannukah on Winter Break? If only that was more than a coincidence.

Latkes frying in a pan is always a fresh start to my favorite holiday. Around this time of year, many of my friends are setting up their Christmas trees but I anticipate a delicious Hannukah dinner, a fun game of dreidel, lighting the menorah, and opening the gifts surrounding my family's Hannukah bush. But one thing always wrecked what I consider the best holiday of the year. This thing would be school.

I'm not saying that there is anything wrong with attending school. But why is Hannukah not considered a national holiday? I mean, it's a once in a lifetime chance for Hannukah to coincidentally occur during Winter Break. But Winter Break isn't planned around all the holidays. It's planned around Christmas and the New Year. Hannukah isn't nationally recognized so as I'm looking forward to that first night of Hannukah, I'm sitting in my classroom taking a rigorous test.

Besides Winter Break, it's a lucky coincidence if the first night of Hannukah lands on a Friday or Saturday. Looking at my school calendar the other day, I jumped up and down in joy when my eyes landed on the first week of break. Hannukah, for once, lands on Winter Break.

Excitedly, I told my family I would have off of school on Hannukah. Their response was"Really?" Then it dawned on me that we shouldn't have that sort of reaction to such a thing. Yes, although majority of America is Protestant, I say that people who are Jewish should not be deprived of this wondrous holiday. People vacation on the holidays. They visit relatives. They can't visit if work or school is tying them down.

I could be wrong. But I feel that if we get Christmas off, we should get Hannukah off. They're both of equal importance to different religions. I'm not requesting a total of 8 days off, but I say the day before and the day of Hannukah should be off of school. I don't see any issue with that.

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