Wednesday, July 25, 2012

College Stress

           The application to your future opens in a week.
           Yes, it is that time of year again. The beginning of a season for seniors' stress, anticipation, and more. Common App opens on August 1st, thus in comes the questions:
Which College?
              Which essay?
                         How do I write my essay?

There is no easy way to answer these questions without hours of research and brainstorming.
But this simple solution of setting aside time may not be easily done for the League of Procrastinators (of which I am a senior member-ha)
And so, I pray that you (and myself) set aside time for this. Sure, it may not be a fun time spending the precious days of summer left for this, but if not now, when? As the shoe company, Nike so advertised, "Just Do It".

For me, the best way is to answer these questions is in the most relaxing way possible for myself: going to a bookstore and reading up on college books while drinking a cup of tea.

But you don't have to do it my nerdy way. There's always the trusty internet to surf.

Happy Summer.                        

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