Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Adventures of a Camp Counser

I've set a goal for myself to reach before I graduate high school. 500 service hours. Yup. I know it seems a little daunting but at my school, if you reach 500, you get to graduate with a silver cord (you know, those fancy cords they drape over your neck?) and some sort of a certificate or whatnot but I'm really interested in the cord (Gosh, I sound like George Clooney in Up in the Air with his ten million frequent flyer miles)anyway, to achieve my goal, which I'm like 355 hours short of, I signed up to work as a camp counselor this summer- and you would not believe how weird it has been (half-naked yoga hobos, a seriously disturbed little girl and an eight year old that looks like Damien from The Omen). So follow my blog and I'll tell you about the camp counseling job from Hell.

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