Monday, January 9, 2012

Movies I'm looking forward to see in 2012

Last year, 2011, was a great year in movies. (The King's Speech, anyone?) Now that we are at the start of a brand new year, it's a whole new chance for great directors and actors to shine in what could be the movie of the next 366 days.

The Hunger Games- This blood pumping adventure tale, set in the not so far future, cronicles Katniss Everdeen's trials and tribulations during the annual Hunger Games, a fight to death on national television. I am super pumped for this to come out (March 23rd whoop whoop!) since I've read the books (team Peeta all the way!), and I just can't wait to see it on the big screen.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2- Yeah, the whole vampire love story is getting a little drawn out and tiresome, but I'm still super excited for it, because I've read the books and am a fan. Plus, it'll be a whole lot more pleasant to watch now that the bloody birth scene is out of the way, am I right?

The Avengers- Okay, now how isn't this the perfect comic book movie? Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and ScarJo wrapped up into one action packed flick! I cannot wait to see this, since I am somewhat of a superhero nerd (I mean deep down inside, who isn't?) and I absolutely love Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower- I've just recently read this book, and I loved it. It was wonderfully written, and I just couldn't put it down. So, I'm so ready to see this, especially since it has the lovely Emma Watson, and the couldn't-get-better-looking Logan Learman (Percy Jackson) as the stars. This tale of a somewhat depressed teen is going to hopefully snag some Oscars this year, because I know the book sure deserves some awards.     

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