Monday, October 10, 2011

It's That Time of Year Again...

Time for lots of scares, itchy wigs, over the top costumes, and best of all, lots of candy. But the only problem is- Halloween falls on a Monday this year.

Will that hurt or help your Halloween plans? Will overprotective parents put your one night of spooks and scares to a hault? Only time will tell.

Halloween is an interesting holiday within itsself, it was origionally called "Hallow's Eve", with the word "Halloween" not appearing until the 16th century.

It's also a picky holiday for certain religious people, for example, I have a few friends whose parents don't allow them to partake in any Halloween festivities because they think it's the "Devil's Day".

Whatever your take on this scary holiday may be, I hope every one has a wonderful one, whether it entails sitting at home watching horror movies, or visiting the neighbors for a sweet treat.

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